A common insurance company tactic is to offer a quick settlement for, “medical bills” or “lost wages.” The insurance company will send an adjuster to look at the property damage. While the adjuster reviews the property damage he or she may make an offer to pay for your medical bills or lost wages and offer some small sum, for example $500.00. Once you accept this settlement you may very well be releasing the insurance company from any future liability.

A client recently came to my office just a few days after the auto accident. The insurance company had already visited her to evaluate the damage to her car. The adjuster offered her $500.00 for her lost wages. Had she accepted the $500 settlement, she may have very well settled the case and lost her right to recover for her injuries from the accident.

The best advice is to contact an attorney immediately after an accident. Whatever you do, DO NOT sign anything from the insurance company without the advice of an attorney. The attorney will be far better prepared to deal with the insurance company adjusters on the issues of property damage, medical treatment, and negotiating compensation for the damages.